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Changes in Spring Batch 5.0

· 2 min read

Here's a summary of the changes in Spring Batch 5.0.

What's new?

@AutoConfiguration(after = { HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration.class, TransactionAutoConfiguration.class })
@ConditionalOnClass({ JobLauncher.class, DataSource.class, DatabasePopulator.class })
@ConditionalOnBean({ DataSource.class, PlatformTransactionManager.class })
@ConditionalOnMissingBean(value = DefaultBatchConfiguration.class, annotation = EnableBatchProcessing.class) // 5.0 부터 추가되었습니다.
public class BatchAutoConfiguration {
// ...

In the past, you could activate Spring Batch's Spring Boot auto-configuration using the @EnableBatchProcessing annotation. However, now you need to remove it to use Spring Boot's auto-configuration. Specifying @EnableBatchProcessing or inheriting from DefaultBatchConfiguration now pushes back Spring Boot's auto-configuration and is used for customizing application settings.

Therefore, using @EnableBatchProcessing or DefaultBatchConfiguration will cause default settings like spring.batch.jdbc.initialize-schema not to work. Additionally, Jobs won't run automatically when Boot is started, so an implementation of a Runner is required.

Multiple Job Execution is no longer supported

Previously, if there were multiple Jobs in a batch, you could execute them all at once. However, now Boot will execute a Job when it detects a single one. If there are multiple Jobs in the context, you need to specify the Job to be executed using when starting Boot.

Expanded JobParameter support

In Spring Batch v4, Job parameters could only be of types Long, String, Date, and Double. In v5, you can now implement converters to use any type as a JobParameter. However, the default conversion service in Spring Batch still does not support LocalDate and LocalDateTime, causing exceptions. Although you can resolve this by implementing a converter for the default conversion service, it is problematic that even though JobParametersBuilder provides related methods, the conversion does not actually occur and throws an exception. An issue has been opened regarding this, and it is expected to be fixed in 5.0.1.

JobParameters jobParameters = jobLauncherTestUtils.getUniqueJobParametersBuilder()
.addLocalDate("date", // if you use this method, it will throw an exception even though it is provided.


The issue was resolved in the release of 5.0.1 on 2023-02-23.


url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres?currentSchema=mySchema
username: postgres
password: 1234
driver-class-name: org.postgresql.Driver
initialize-schema: always
table-prefix: mySchema.BATCH_
mode: always

Specify the currentSchema option for proper functioning.
