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3 posts tagged with "cli"

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Managing Environment Variables with AWS S3 and Automation

· 5 min read


  • As the codebase grows, the number of configuration values required for running a Spring application is increasing.
  • While most situations are validated with test code, there are times when testing with bootRun locally is necessary.


  • Want to separate configuration values into environment variables for better management.
  • .env files are typically ignored in Git, making version tracking difficult and prone to fragmentation.
    • Need a way to synchronize files across multiple machines.


  • Is there a convenient method that minimizes friction among developers and is easy to apply?
    • Preferably a familiar method for easier maintenance.
  • Can the version of .env files be managed?
  • Is the learning curve low?
    • Want to avoid a situation where the solution is more complex than the problem.
  • Can it be applied directly to the production environment?



  • Updating .env files is convenient with AWS CLI.
  • Version control of .env files can be done through snapshots.
  • AWS S3 is a service familiar to most developers and has a low learning curve.
  • In the AWS ECS production environment, system variables can be directly applied using S3 ARNs.





Is that all?

If that's it, the article might seem a bit dull, right? Of course, there are still a few issues remaining.

Which Bucket is it in?

When using S3, it's common to end up with many buckets due to file structure optimization or business-specific categorization.

aws s3 cp s3:// .env

If the .env file is missing, you'll need to download it using AWS CLI as shown above. Without someone sharing the bucket with you in advance, you might have to search through all buckets to find the environment variable file, which could be inconvenient. The intention was to avoid sharing, but having to receive something to share again might feel a bit cumbersome.

Too many buckets. Where's the env...?

Automating the process of exploring buckets in S3 to find and download the necessary .env file would make things much easier. This can be achieved by writing a script using tools like fzf or gum.

Spring Boot Requires System Environment Variables, Not .env...

Some of you may have already noticed that Spring Boot reads system environment variables to fill in placeholders in YAML files. However, using just the .env file won't apply the system environment variables, thus not being picked up during Spring Boot's initialization process.

Let's briefly look at how it works.

# .env
# application.yml
hello: ${HELLO} # Retrieves the value from the HELLO environment variable on the OS.
public class HelloWorld {

private String hello;

public void init() {"Hello: {}", hello);

You can see that the placeholder in @Value is not resolved, causing the bean registration to fail and resulting in an error.

Just having a .env file doesn't register it as a system environment variable.

To apply the .env file, you can either run the export command or register the .env file in IntelliJ's run configurations. However, using the export command to register too many variables globally on your local machine can lead to unintended behavior like overwriting, so it's recommended to manage them individually through IntelliJ's GUI.

IntelliJ supports configuring .env files via GUI.

The placeholder is resolved and applied correctly.

Final Answer - The Real Final One

Phew, the long process of problem identification and scoping has come to an end. Let's summarize the workflow once more and introduce a script.

  1. Use an automation script to find and download the appropriate .env from S3.
  2. Set the .env as system environment variables.

The shell script is written to be simple yet stylized using gum.

Full Code


S3_BUCKET=$(aws s3 ls | awk '{print $3}' | gum filter --reverse --placeholder "Select...") # 1.

# Choose deployment environment
TARGET=$(gum choose --header "Select a environment" "Elastic Container Service" "EC2")
if [ "$TARGET" = "Elastic Container Service" ]; then


# Search for the env file
ENV_FILE=$(aws s3 ls "$S3_BUCKET_PATH" | grep env | awk '{print $4}' | gum filter --reverse --placeholder "Select...") # 2.

# Confirm
if (gum confirm "Are you sure you want to use $ENV_FILE?"); then
echo "You selected $ENV_FILE"
die "Aborted."

ENV_FILE_NAME=$(gum input --prompt.foreground "#04B575" --prompt "Enter the name of the env file: " --value ".env" --placeholder ".env")
gum spin -s meter --title "Copying env file..." -- aws s3 cp "$S3_BUCKET_PATH$ENV_FILE" "$ENV_FILE_NAME" # 3.

echo "Done."
  1. Use gum filter to select the desired S3 bucket.
  2. Search for items containing the word env and assign it to a variable named ENV_FILE.
  3. Finalize the object key of the .env file and proceed with the download.

I've created a demo video of the execution process.


After this, you just need to apply the .env file copied to the current directory to IntelliJ as mentioned earlier.


Using direnv and IntelliJ's direnv plugin can make the application even more convenient.


  • The script is easy to maintain due to its simplicity.
  • Team response has been very positive.
  • Developers appreciate aesthetics.
  • For sensitive credentials, consider using AWS Secret Manager.

Managing Google Kubernetes Engine through Local CLI

· 3 min read


While it is very convenient to be able to run kubectl through Google's Cloud Shell via the web from anywhere, there is a drawback of needing to go through the hassle of web access and authentication for simple query commands. This article shares a method for quickly managing Google Cloud Kubernetes using a local CLI.


Installing GCP CLI

First, you need to install the GCP CLI. Refer to the gcp-cli link to check for the appropriate operating system and install it.


Once the installation is complete, proceed with the authentication process using the following command:

gcloud init

You need to access the GCP Kubernetes Engine and fetch the connection information for the cluster.



Copy the command for command-line access and execute it in the terminal.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials sv-dev-cluster --zone asia-northeast3-a --project {projectId}
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
CRITICAL: ACTION REQUIRED: gke-gcloud-auth-plugin, which is needed for continued use of kubectl, was not found or is not executable. Install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin for use with kubectl by following
kubeconfig entry generated for sv-dev-cluster.

Plugin Installation

If the current Kubernetes version being used is below v1.26, you may encounter an error requesting the installation of gke-gcloud-auth-plugin. Install the plugin using the following command.


Prior to v1.26, client-specific code for managing authentication between the client and Google Kubernetes Engine was included in the existing versions of kubectl and custom Kubernetes clients. Starting from v1.26, this code is no longer included in the OSS kubectl. GKE users need to download and use a separate authentication plugin to generate GKE-specific tokens. The new binary, gke-gcloud-auth-plugin, extends the kubectl authentication for GKE using the Kubernetes Client-go user authentication information plugin mechanism. Since the plugin is already supported in kubectl, you can switch to this new mechanism before v1.26 is provided. - Google

gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
Your current Google Cloud CLI version is: 408.0.1
Installing components from version: 408.0.1

│ These components will be installed. │
│ Name │ Version │ Size │
│ gke-gcloud-auth-plugin │ 0.4.0 │ 7.1 MiB │

For the latest full release notes, please visit:

Do you want to continue (Y/n)? y

╠═ Creating update staging area ═╣
╠═ Installing: gke-gcloud-auth-plugin ═╣
╠═ Installing: gke-gcloud-auth-plugin ═╣
╠═ Creating backup and activating new installation ═╣

Performing post processing steps...done.

Update done!

re-run the connection command, and you should see that the cluster is connected without any error messages.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials sv-dev-cluster --zone asia-northeast3-a --project {projectId}
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for sv-dev-cluster.

Once the connection is successful, you will also notice changes in Docker Desktop. Specifically, new information will be displayed in the Kubernetes tab.


Afterwards, you can also directly check GKE resources locally using kubectl.

kubectl get deployments
my-application 1/1 1 1 20d


We have briefly explored efficient ways to manage GKE resources locally. Using kubectl locally enables extended features like autocomplete, making Kubernetes management much more convenient. If you are new to using GKE, I strongly recommend giving it a try.



Elegant HTTP CLI, HTTPie

· 2 min read


CLI tool that can replace the curl command

If you are a developer who frequently uses Linux, you probably use the curl command often. It is an essential command for sending external API requests from a server, but it has the disadvantage of poor readability in the output. HTTPie is an interesting tool that can alleviate this drawback, so let's introduce it.


For Mac users, you can easily install it using brew.

brew install httpie

For CentOS, you can install it using yum.

yum install epel-release
yum install httpie


First, here is how you would send a GET request using curl.



Now, let's compare it with HTTPie.



The readability is much better in every aspect of the command. The response and header values are included by default, so you can get various information at a glance without using separate commands.

Note that https and http are distinguished in the command.

http localhost:8080

You can send a POST request as described on the official website.

http -a USERNAME POST body='HTTPie is awesome! :heart:'

Various other features are explained on GitHub, so if you make good use of them, you can greatly improve productivity.
